What is Zabbix? Steps to install Zabbix

What is Zabbix? Steps to install Zabbix

Find and help solve snail-paced website loading, email loss, query and file transfer activity, causes of overload, server problems... are the benefits of network monitoring, especially is with companies that work on IT services

Summary of effective ways to combat DDoS for VPS in 2021

Summary of effective ways to combat DDoS for VPS in 2021

DDoS attacks cause a lot of unpredictable consequences that cause your website to crash, affect bandwidth capacity and can even lead to loss of website control. Protecting your VPS and hosting against DDoS attacks is essential. Therefore, in this article, Tino Group will synthesize anti-DDoS methods for VPS to help you best prevent DDoS attacks!

What is VestaCP? Instructions for installing VestaCP A to Z

What is VestaCP? Instructions for installing VestaCP A to Z

If you buy a VPS and have to buy the control panel separately, it will be a huge cost disadvantage, when the price of cPanel or DirectAdmin control panels is not low. If you are looking for a completely free control panel, Vesta is an ideal suggestion. So, what is VestaCP? How to install VestaCP completely free? All will be answered by Tino Group for you!

Instructions to restore Hosting data on JetBackup 5

Instructions to restore Hosting data on JetBackup 5

Currently, JetBackup 5 has a stable 5.2 version, improving features and data backup speed, at DirectAdmin hosting and new cPanel hosting servers on TinoHost will all work with Jetbackup 5. Also for The servers are using JetBackup 4, we are also planning to migrate the upgrade to Jetbackup 5 for the sync to work.

What is the harm of DoS? How to prevent DoS

What is the harm of DoS? How to prevent DoS

With the great advancement of technology, cyber attacks are also becoming more and more dangerous. Therefore, learning about the methods, harms and ways to avoid them and DoS / DDoS are the most common attack methods. Therefore, Tino Group and you learn about what DoS / DDoS is, how to recognize it, what is the harm of DoS and how to prevent DoS!

Instructions to change DNS on VPS

Instructions to change DNS on VPS

Changing DNS is quite useful to help you access websites that are blocked by your carrier. You can change to Google's DNS or DNS of Viettel, VNPT, FPT...

Instructions for checking VPS safety

Instructions for checking VPS safety

Recently, a lot of specialized software has appeared to scan the user and password of VPS for unauthorized access. The way the software works is as follows: Using Remote desktop service's default port detector is port 3389. After listing the IPs that use this default gateway, they perform brute force with a series of pre-built users and passwords.

Instructions to change password on vps without old password

Instructions to change password on vps without old password

There are many cases where you have to automatically log in to VPS for a long time and then forget the password of that VPS. When you want to access from another machine to the VPS, you can't because you don't remember the password at this time.

Instructions to fix the error of not showing preview images on Windows VPS

Instructions to fix the error of not showing preview images on Windows VPS

The fact that some Windows VPS does not display images in preview mode makes it difficult to work. Especially for sales and dropshipping, you need to choose photos to post products on the store. Failure to display the preview leads to you being able to choose the wrong image for sale. In general, this causes a lot of trouble during use

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